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The Monarch Project
Pollinator insects, including Monarchs, are drastically declining in numbers. We are doing our part to help restore the population of these crucial pollinators. Our goal is to raise 4 generations of Monarch butterflies in captivity. These butterflies are then released for migration at a celebration in August. Tagging info for monarchs we have already released is shown below. More info and tracking can be found at

Free Milkweed Program

We are also committed to helping
others raise Monarchs by giving away free milkweed seeds. These seeds are collected by volunteers from our very own milkweed plants. To request a free packet of seeds, click the link below. We will ship anywhere in the continental U.S. One packet per household as quantities are limited.

Butterfly Bling
If you happen to like unique, hand-made jewelry, please visit Patty Melt Productions on Facebook and Instagram. They make one of a kind jewelry using flowers, fruits, insect wings, gems, shells and other organic media. A portion of their insect jewelry sales is donated to Charity Blooms.

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